
To achieve its mission, NMAEA has four (4) committees that meet monthly to discuss and take action in various key areas. Any NMAEA member can serve on one or more committees. Click on the dropdowns for committee details. If you are interested, please contact the committee chair listed in the description.  

Advocacy Committee


The objective of the NMAEA Advocacy Committee is to educate local, state, and federal legislators and other stakeholders about the work of adult education programs; to attain and maintain sustainable funding; to enhance diversity in the labor market and serve as a pipeline to higher education and a highly skilled workforce by producing qualified graduates. 


Committee Chair: Jamie Trujillo

Outreach/Membership Committee


To engage adult education members and stakeholders to diversify membership in NMAEA.


Committee Chair: Harun Williams

Event/Fundraising Committee


Coordinate and execute annual statewide, regional, and online events for all members.


Committee Chairs: Jamie Trujillo & Susan Yasenka

Data Committee


To discuss issues important to data management by providing a learning environment in which to share information and to recommend improvements in data programs when appropriate.  


Committee Chair: Barbara Robinson